Are you interested in seeking more information about a particular concern or approach to a problem?
Consultations are provided in our office and by appointment only.
Our office is happy to provide clients and prospective clients with consultations but note that we do not offer this as a free service. Some law firms offer very short consultations for free, providing a small amount of general information as a sales pitch for a prospective client to retain their firm. Our office takes a different approach. We value every interaction with clients and perspective clients and are not here to “up sell” the firm, but rather to provide professional, legal and/or strategic advice as well as information that guides the client into other solutions or approaches to minimize involvement in the legal system (where possible) and maximize lower cost solutions.
As consultations generally take substantial time of the lawyer, consultations will be billed out at the lawyer’s hourly rate and are billed in the standard legal billing process in 0.1 increments of an hour.

6B Village Drive, Westerose, Alberta, T0C 2V0
2nd Floor -The Village at Pigeon Lake, Westerose, Alberta
Tel: (780) 559-2643
Fax: (780) 670-0102